You think that is bad, get this. We got an email today from the bosses assistant:

Donations for [the boss's] Christmas gift [charity donations] will be collected on Friday morning.

See you then to collect the suggested donations and extend holiday cheer. [...] If we miss you, please make sure you give your donation to [bosses assistant] or [accounting person].

Note the "suggested donation" part. So basically, she comes around to everyone's desk and says "your suggested donation is $xx", and when you pay it, she crosses your name off a list she has. Then they collect the money and give it to some charity the boss picks out. I have been here three years and they do this little bullshit charade every year. I do not know what happens if I do not pay and my name stays on that little list, but I ain't going to find out.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB