I didn't not enjoy it, but it should have been a one-hour pilot episode. It smacks of SciFi being cheap and wanting to test the waters.
I didn't have the same problem with the new Starbuck that the ``purists'' did (athough I do agree with their point that there were a bunch of women pilots in the original), but, at the same time, I did feel that her acting was poor and the character generally annoying. Not compelling annoying -- just annoying. (If I had to hear her say ``frack'' one more time, I thought my head would explode. Whatever happened to ``felgarcarb'', anyway?

I disliked the arbitrarily jerky space cinematography. It was jarring not because it was jerky but because it didn't fit with the cinematography of the live-action stuff.
I did like the way Baltar was initially not really a bad guy, but I think they pussed out into making him one. Unless he really did develop a Cylon detector. It wasn't clear as to if he did or if he lied about it.
I also agree with all your bad points. To expand on them, I'd add Starbuck to the Apollo/Adama thing. I think I took from it that Starbuck was Apollo's sister-in-law via a dead brother. And I think implying a potential romantic entanglement between them just doesn't make sense. Of course, I could have misread that.
On a related note, it was annoying the way everyone had a carnal relationship that they felt compelled to show us. I kept wondering when any two random characters on the screen might decide to stick their tongues down each others' throats. And then I was rewarded with Doogie Howser and Uhura-lite.
I couldn't agree more about the Cylons. It feels more like SciFi being cheap again. And I don't need to see
The Thing yet again.