It is worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

I agree, in a sense. As I said, I paid just over $800 USD for mine. Could I have waited a bit and gotten a better deal? Probably. But I decided that for me, at the time, that was a fair asking price. There weren't a ton of unit being sold at the time, but that was about the average asking price. But I don't agree with raising the price BECAUSE people are willing to pay it. That's ugly. That's why I like this board; people are more interested in helping others than they are in pure profit.

I may have been a bit nasty to holio, but look.... a few moments searching on this board or Ebay would show that $600 is about $150 the going price. (Not that that excuses being nasty, mind you.)

Everyone on this board has always seemed nice, and offering a new poster an MkIIa with a tuner for $900 hit me wrong. It seemed like a "hey, since I know there aren't many available, I can ask a mint and get it.." kinda deal. Which I'm sure it wasn't. I just wish that thought had occurred to me bofore I hit "continue".

But...The forum should be a nice friendly place, and I was hardly helping to keep it that way...I mean, I really do try, but I'm from New York; being overtly friendly doesn't really come naturally to us.

So, holio, please accept my apology.