This was in the programming forum before right here, however there was no reaction from the guys@empeg yet

Actually, there was a reaction from the guys@empeg. Roger said "We may release format specs for the .upgrade file at some point, however."

This leaves us two options:
1) Wait for them to release the specs.
2) Try to reverse-engineer the file format now.

If we went with option 2 and posted what we figured out so far, I'd bet the Empeg folks would give us corrections on it until we had it right.

Personally, I'd love to see the file format. Since it has a section that describes flash updates, we could create upgrade files which contained custom kernels or logos. We could go further than that, even, and include things like custom init scripts.

For instance, RJLov has created a way to select some options for his voladj kernel at bootup time (off/on/amount). The installation of this is tricky and involves uploading a new init script, a new selecter program, and a new kernel. Then you have to do some mucking around at the bash prompt before it will work. Because the bash prompt is required, it means you can only run the option selecter if you have the developer image installed, so you can't do it with the consumer image. But if we had the .upgrade file specs, we'd be able to create an .upgrade file which did all the dirty work for you and it would also work on the consumer image. I like this idea.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris