I believe you. I 'fixed' a printer today by closing the paper drawer the last 3/16". Voila! I can't complain though, most of my users are decent and don't bug me too often (esp. since IT isn't my main job here). I've got one guy who was complaining that his MSN wasn't working, which I couldn't give a rat's ass about as it's got nothing to do with work, except that he was using its browser to access Yellow Freight (which he does need to do his job). I opened IE to the Yellow website and left. He tells me a few days later that MSN is still 'broken', as if I'd drop everything to try and fix it. Ass. It doesn't hurt that he's the one most likely to complain if you increase his 'work' load if you try to involve him and then bitches about how nobody asks his opinion on things when you don't.
Sorry for the rant.