Proper carrier aircraft must launch from a catapult and land with a grappling hook, whereas harriers cheat.

I find it ironic that the British invented all of the stuff that makes an aircraft carrier work (steam catapults etc.) and that we don't use any of it anymore.

The smaller carriers that we do still have (Ark Royal, Invincible and Illustrious) are fine for battle group and beach head protection, but they're not a great deal of use for anything else.

I guess the assumption is that if we're going to get involved in a proper war, the US will be with us, and they'll bring along some proper carriers.

Interestingly, apparently during the Falklands conflict, the US offered to "lend" us a proper carrier "on the quiet". We declined.

True, but I think the harrier is a really cool aircraft.

Oh, I agree. I just think that for proper force projection, you need bigger, faster aircraft with longer legs. The Harrier is superb at what it does. I just think that the Royal Navy should have more options.
-- roger