Just wondering with all the BSE talk in the UK , if Johnny Public in the US was bothered?

Personally, I am looking forward to some lower beef prices in the short run.

In epidemiologic terms, I view this in terms of YPLL (years of preventable life lost -- maybe "lucidity lost" in this case). At age 51, with a generally long incubation/onset for CJD (combined with the fact that many friends think I exhibit symptoms already!), I figure I have very little to worry about in the event that I hit the BSE un-jackpot (that one-in-a-million cow).

If I were a lot younger (or were deciding what to feed children) I would probably take a more cautious approach until the extent of the problem is more clearly understood. I will probably avoid burgers, though, in favor of chicken sandwiches for now, but those cheap rib-eyes are *mine*.

Oh, and in keeping with my new-found conversion to all things Bush, I suggest we abolish the FDA and put our faith in the beef industry!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.