Cry me a river everyone because another one takes the fall. It enrages me even more that it was in broad daylight and I just cannot, I tell you, I cannot and don't ever want to go back to burning CDRs everytime I want a new mix. Funny how even after all these years, nothing still touches the EMPEG but oh well...

Let's see what the insurance can do and if anyone who have had theirs stolen as well can chime in as to how the insurace took care of them as far as replacement or reimbursement, thanks ahead of time.

The serial number is 040103349, not sure who I should send that bit of info to since support is away at the moment until January? Well, thanks for listening. I know it's just a piece of high tech gadgetry but damn, it sure brings a tear to a guys eyes.

I did do a swell job on the install and the sled is a bit beat up but it was still intact. Not sure what the hell the bastards that took it will do with one but just a heads up in case anyone runs into a sledless EMPEG and please PM me.

Edited by skyjk (29/12/2003 22:30)