OK, I have recenty come into posession of an antique firearm. The problem is that I have NO idea how to identify it. I know that it's a .36 caliber 6-shot 12 stop Manhattan arms revolver. The odd thing is that the serial number is WAAAAY lower than any of the similar pistols I've seen on the net. The pistols I've seen are in the 10,000-50,000 serial number range. Mine is serial 982. That's quite a difference, if you ask me. If you like I can post pictures if anyone thinks it will help, or if you're just plain interested.

I know I could drive it to a dealer somewhere in town, but as I've had no experience whatsoever in this, I was hoping for some advise on where to look on the net. Besides, I'm lazy.

Oh, and all the serials are matching, of course.

Barrel reads: Manhattan Fire Arms Co. Newark, N.J.
Patanted March 8, 1864

Cylindar reads: PATENTLL December 27, 1859

(not a typo, it really says "PATENTLL")