Check out my plan.

Yeah, baby. That looks good.

I signed with Verizon for a national plan when I thought I might still be traveling for work. Now that I landed a no-travel job, for good or ill, I think I am going to bail for a cheaper plan. Probably T-Mobile as I'd like SMS for server/NMS messages. And Bluetooth....mmmm...... Palm T2..... and new Powerbook. Yes, T-Mobile.

My one problem. Installed a hard-wired car kit for my Motorola V60 and T-Mobile has dropped the V60 from its offerings (too bad, I really like that little phone) so I may need to resort to eBay....

(oh, and, yes, on the occasion of becoming a "perm" university employee I had to run down and succumb to Apple academic pricing and buy a 12" Powerbook. Pretty sweet.)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.