Sounds like a silly little thing getting blown way out of proportion.
After reading everything I can about it, this seems about right. Probably he and his family were loaded, and that’s no excuse to get violent, but it’s also not like it’s the first time someone’s gotten drunk on New Years Eve. I’ll bet he probably did hit the cop too; not a good decision, but seeing someone electrically shock your son would be hard to take passively.

Still, if he did hit a cop, assaulting an officer is going to be bad news. I just hope they still get to do their 30th anniversary tour.

One question: why aren’t all the stories simply using Alex Lifeson as his name? Do you think they’d call Geddy “Gary”? Or have you ever read a story that uses Sting’s real name?
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.