I am running Alpha3. I haven't tested it with any lower version, and I will, at this point. Just to make sure. I tested it with Alpha5. No difference in reception between that and Alpha 3.

Anyway the fact that the old original tuner had a much better reception with the same software and same install makes me think it is not dependent on what payer sw version one is running.

Also, I power the antenna with the power adapter for VW antennas, but I am also planning to have that checked again. As you suggest, I will measure the voltage ans eee what I get. I want to solve this, I need a radio!

PCA, would a more sensitive tuner cause a lower audio signal or a more cracky lower volume signal? As a non expert I would expect the opposite, but I am just guessing and I may be totally wrong...
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg