Nifty site. I like the look of it, and having it done as a back-end automated process is great.

Thanks. Some of the backend was easy, as I simply changed some stuff from an old EQ guild site I ran. But other parts were either redone quite a bit because of new ideas, or written from scratch. I still have some things to add, but at this point it's all functional and any change will be retro on the site automaticially.

I'm having intermittent trouble connecting to it and getting things to work. Sometimes I'll click on a link and boom, it'll work, other times, it'll time out. Either somebody needs to reboot the Internet for me, or there's something about the site's server that's intermittent?

Hmm, I'll have to look into this. Apache is taking quite a bit more memory then I remembered. It could be taking it longer to get additional servers online. I'll try a few things today, and see if it helps. I'll need feedback on this, as a LAN connection dosen't show much (Although every once in a while, the browse page takes a bit to fill in the logos.)

Also, one tip on the graphical layout: Can you put some blank "gap" space around the images so that they don't run together as much? I believe it's the CELLPADDING attribute of the TABLE tag which controls this.

I'll play around with this. I have Cellpadding and Spacing at 0 right now to get the table border nice and small.