When you'd listen to the RIAA talk in interviews, they'd talk like they were the LAW.

Actually, it seems to me like they're talking more like they're from the deep south...

"A large percentage [of the vendors] are of a Hispanic nature," Langley said. "Today he’s Jose Rodriguez, tomorrow he’s Raul something or other, and tomorrow after that he’s something else. These people change their identity all the time. A picture’s worth a thousand words."

I almost want to install KaZaA Lite on my computer just to hurt them a bit!

Nah, KaZaA is poison. Big old target on it. One word: USENET. You can download Metallica's new album for the sole purpose of deleting it when you're done!

But then I hear some idiot talk about doing this or that because he's a "poor student" who can afford a college education but will starve if they can't download their Limp Bizcuit

Hear hear!