Every time I hit a bump my car shakes a lot

It's pretty hard to diagnose the problem without actually seeing/driving the car, but I can relate a personal experience that might be helpful.

Over a period of just a couple of days, my ShoWagon went from decent handling, comfortable ride to almost undriveable. The onset was so smooth and linear that it was probably much more than a couple of days total -- but from the time I first noticed that "...hey, something's different" to "...Omigod, this thing is so scary it is unsafe to drive!") was a pretty short time.

The symptoms? Even driving in a straight line, the smallest bump (even running over a tar strip) would make the car shimmy enough that I would have to make steering corrections. Scary? You better believe it!

The solution? I took the car to the best suspension shop in town where after a complete examination (shocks, struts, ball joints, tie rod ends, upper strut bushings, steering rack, sway bars and bushings, steering column u-joints, etc.) the only thing wrong was bad rear shocks. They replaced them, and the car was fully restored to normal handling.

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