The basic premise is sort of like a snopes TV show, except that the two guys that try to setup the scenarios are both veteren special effects guys. So the more interesting part of the show, to me, is seeing these guys come up with really clever ways to rig up the scenarios. And there are always two parts -- first is to see if it's true, and if it's not, the second part is to see what would have to be done to MAKE it true.

For instance, last night they were trying to prove or disprove that a puncture hole in an airplane would cause "explosive decompression", so they went out to the Mojave (sp?) Desert where there is apparently an airplane graveyard, rig up a remote firing handgun using the part from a drink machine that pushes the drink out, put highspeed cameras in the plane, and put their crash test dummy that they use in tons of their "experiements" in a seat. They had earlier calculated the PSI difference when the plane is in the air and they bring in this massive pump to pressurize the entire plane to 8 PSI (they had to seal everything in the plane also). So they then proceed to see what happens when the fire a gun through the side of the plane, then a window, then they bring in a pyro expert to see what it would take to cause the scenario to /really/ happen. The guys are hilarious too -- they blow stuff up, set stuff on fire, break stuff, all in the name of science.

Great show
