From the article:
Historically, what is pleasing to the human ear has not changed since man began writing music.

This is just flat wrong. In a very real sense we are pleased by what we are used to. I don’t believe that our 7 note system is universal or always been the one used. I can’t be certain, but I’ve understood that other cultures have very different systems of music. Even if not, there are certainly different ways of putting music together other than our standard system of music theory. I had a professor in college who’d spent a lot of time listening to music of other cultures growing up and didn’t really care for our western system of music. He wrote some music I considered truly awful, but he seemed to like it quite a bit. I have no question he was a brilliant musician, but just in a different context from how my ear had been “trained”. We are (or most of us) are used to a pretty standard system where 7 notes are arranged into a key and utilized to make music. This is true for rock & roll as well as Motzart, but it wasn’t true for gregorian chant. We might like gregorian chant, but there are other systems (like my professor’s) that just sound “off” to use because of our musical predispositions.

The other thing of note is that a good melody can only take you so far. Which is why I have loads of music on my empeg that I like, but I always come back to Rush. Their music offers more under the surface than just a “pretty face”.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.