In between HS and college, I worked at a computer repair shop. I got a call from a public library out in the middle of nowhere. They said, "All of our prgrams disappeared." I said, "Hmm. Strange. Did you try rebooting?" They said, "Yes, this is serious, we need you to come look at it."
So I grabbed my tools and some spare parts and jumped in the car. After driving an hour to get there, I stroll into the library like a modern day Lone Ranger, intent on saving their world. They point me toward the system. It is an old Windows 3.1 system. Sure enough. No icons on the screen.
I quickly moved into action eager to show off my diagnostic prowess. After staring at the screen for a moment, I minimized the empty Program Group someone had created and said, "That will be $60 please."
~ John