I saw it somewhere, can't remember exactly what it said tho, and now I can't find it! Aaargh!
Anyways, what 'format' of tags does FLAC normally use? I.e. With the 'tag.exe' program that came with it in the Windows binary..)
So, I'm tryin' to find out what format they are, so I can then find an Active-X/OCX control to read 'em..

[Why? Because I couldn't find a SIMPLE program to convert FLAC to MP3, and CARRY OVER long tags to the ID3v2.x fields! Just... argh. So, I figure, 'Hey! I know enough VB to get by, I have a ID3 ActiveX control, I'll MAKE SOMETHING!. I got to leave work early today because of my Evil Genius laugh.
Anyways. So after my VFD thingie, I'm going to throw together a real simple VB program that'll, essentially take a lsit of input files, go thru each one, un-flacking them, sending them to MP3, and setting the tags.]

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper