Panic over, I subsequently discovered that it’s not as bad as I first thought, when I put it in Mark’s docking station, it only works in the left hand channel, which must be the way it’s wired. When I put it in the car it works fine.

I only use the phonos on the odd day that it snows, when I borrow Mrs.Boxer’s 4 wheel drive (Which is when I broke it) and on the odd occasion that I want to listen on headphones in the motorhome.: I’ve discovered that a piece of selotape to hold the plug in place works for those occasions.

So I've e-mailed Rob to fit it in to support sometime, not urgently, when it's up and running. I knew it was asking a lot to expect somebody to take responsibility for opening it up and repairing it, so I'm not surprised not to have a volunteer.

In the meantime, can anybody suggest a temp. fix for working it in Mark's docking station?

Politics and Ideology: Not my bag