And another update

, sorry to keep bringing this post back from the dead... But our family still felt like helping a homeless animal, so we decided to get a retired greyhound. After reading a little bit about the way these animals are treated it would leave you with an upset stomach. Surprisingly these animals are very gentle and tend to want to do nothing but sleep...
Here is Lacie our new 2 year old greyhound.
And Hamlet, weighing in a 86 lbs at 6 months of age, our great dane.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know a good way to deal with food aggression? The dane is OK, but the greyhound gets kind of crazy about her food, snarls alot and started a fight with the dane. The dane is managable now, but I want to get the greyhound under control so I don't have to pull a 200 lb dog off of her in another year.