I think most legal advisers would tell you to stay out of it, but it will probably eat at you, especially if you ever find out what the hospital does tell the family.
I had a similar dilemma where one night I was driving home and a pedestrian decided to cross against the light. I hit him at about 35 mph in a Dodge RAM pick-up. A vision that will never leave my memory. He regained consciousness and his statement to the police was that he crossed against the light.Six witnesses back up the story. Over three months later I find out he died a week later due to his carotid artery being severed. Over a year later, the police take my "official" statement. Yes, a YEAR!
I've often thought of writing the widow a letter expressing my condolences and that I am sorry that fate decided to put the people involved in this situation, but common sense, and everyone I ever talked to about it says to avoid contacting the victims. Who knows what could come of it. I avoid taking that road when possible, not because of the danger, but because 5 years later, they still put flowers out at the intersection.
I would say, even though you would want to know if it's your family, stay out of it. Legal ramifications could be serious.
Dave Clark
Georgetown, Texas
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