Just to give a different point-of-view.
I have owned Notmad (the first version of this software that Red Chair produced for the Creative Labs Nomad players) and it has been excellent. I also recommend Anapod to a friend (with an iPod of course) and he hasn't had a single problem with it, he loves it!
You should contact Red Chair software with your problem (you don't mention if you have). Their Tech Support is extremely good.
My solution was to sell the Ipod and buy a Karma instead. A move that i havn't regreted for a single second.
It dosn't change my view on Anapod or the Ipod which is a misserably device with not yet mature software. Allmost reminds me of the first Win CE handheld devices from Compaq, my god they were awful.
I tried the techsupport, with no help at all. I was told to reformat and try again. And no, i'm not a dumbass with ten thumbs on my hands. I've been working as a network engineer and programmer since 1990.