My dad has that MX series mouse, and I agree about it. The buttons on the top are useless due to how difficult it is to reach them. But my biggest gripe is something that you'll find on MS mice too: the thumb button. As far as I've seen, all the latest mice have the thumb button on the top of the side. I know it sounds lazy, but why do I need to move my thumb up to hit those buttons, especially when there's a chance I may use those buttons quite often.
The best mouse I've ever used is the one I'm hanging onto right now. The original Logitech Cordless Mouseman Optical. It has the absolute perfect shape, not too big like the MS mice I've held, and it fits my hand like a glove. The thumb button is on the bottom of the side, right where my thumb rests, so it's easy to hit. This is good for me because I use it nearly as much as the primary click button, since I chose to make it the double-click.
I'm sure there are people who hate this design though, because there must have been a reason to change the layout like they did. Believe me, I
love the idea of having a charging cradle so I can stop buying batteries, but the single reason I haven't upgraded to the new Logitech line is the placement of that thumb button. And the reason I haven't gone with MS mice is that I've seen the complete lack of support that my girlfriend and I have been able to get for her mouse, and it is completely unacceptable.
Oh yeah, I've seen them review stuff they didn't like, but in most cases the #1 negative thing they have to say about it is that it's simply unnecessary. I think they reviewed that hotspot finder one time, and said that it worked pretty well, but if you're using the thing, chances are you're looking for a signal for your laptop which is most likely along with you and fully capable of searching for a signal already