My car is stuck in the garage because the guy is too scared to drive it to the MOT centre (no traction control). Probably just as well.

We had really bad ice at the office one year and my colleague had a Mk3 Supra at the time. I slid my Camaro into a parking space just missing a little Micra and went upstairs to the office. Part of the car park is on a REALLY steep hill and he drove around the corner to this steep bit and spun it 360 down to the bottom. Luckily nobody was parked on the hilly bit! He then drove back up and did a lovely ballet dance trying to park it (I thought he was showing off, but apparently not). Eventully he did, but it was sliding downhill sideways slowly so he decided to move it!

The maintenance man spread a lot of grit last night!

PS. Colleague sold the Supra after five accidents, none of which were his fault. That car was definately cursed.