We (in my company's Tech Support) will occasionally get calls from dialer owners. The call goes something like:
"Can you help me? I want my dialer to dial one number on every line until it gets through."
"Yes, we can help. It's usually not standard operating procedure to call one number over and over, however."
"Well, see, there's this concert in town, and we can't get thru to tickmaster/ticket office." or
"The world series is coming up, and my office would like tickets."
So, we'll get them set up to dial 800-xxx-xxxx on 320 lines, all at once, until their one agent, waiting for the call to get thru, will.
It don't happen that often, but sometimes it's amusing.

They're using their $40k machine to hammer away to get $8 tickets. ($20 if going thru Ticketmaster.)