I typically rip with VBR, lowest quality setting, mono, in AudioGrabber - typically averages around 60-65kbps. I name them like BookTitle - CDxx - TrackNo - TrackTitle, each CD in its own folder (Author/Booktitle - CDxx/).

Then drop all the files in one folder (Author/BookTitle/), start up Tag & Rename which with the naming scheme above gets the files in proper order internally. AutoNumber the tracks, if neccessary (more than 100 tracks) Format to 0xx. Then I do a pass that sets the Album tag for all tracks (from the rip there's a CDxx in there as well) and also the Year.
Then I set the the file name based on the tags to Author - Booktitle - Chapter - TrackNo
For books without chapter names or clear chapter <-> track_no association I use "Chapter xx" where xx corresponds to the track number. Might not be the most correct, but is pretty handy... If there's no proper chapter names, then I do a final pass that sets the Track tag to "Chapter xx" based on the file name...

Might all sound very elaborate, but after the move to a single folder step is done, it's about 2 minutes or less (all the required patterns are predefined inside Tag & Rename) until the files are properly tagged & named...

Edit: If there's a specific track first on the CD where they say "Booktitle, CDx" or something like that, that track doesn't get ripped...
