We've played SC/SC2 every day at lunch for the past 4 years ... Always unfortunate for visitors when they roll in here

We did just enough story mode to unlock Lizardman (which is just about everything except the all the extra weapons and clothing) ... It took forever -- it was like a marathon of playing everytime we sat down to just crank through it.

Some of the stats we're planning on running:
1) Total play time per person / total
2) Best/Worst character per person
3) Best/Worst character overall
4) Best/Worst character matchups per person
5) Best/Worst character matchups overall
6) % chance of winning a match given a particular character/opponent matchup
7) Predicated length of fight (given character/opponent matchup)
8) Choke alarm (huge swing in health) / Comeback King alarm
9) Longest/Most Exciting games
10) Alarm if someone doesn't select random on the selection screen (that's our in-house rules)
11) Win streak in a circuit (so if I've rotated in against you and lost the last five times in a row, it will say that)
12) Most Blockful Player/Game (longest timespan with no health loss)
13) % chance of ending in a Ring Out vs Time Up vs KO
14) Impending Perfect warning

Phew. That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but you can see the potential ... I'm going to be hooking it up to the AT&T Natural Voices for voice synthesis too, so I'm thinking some NFL-style stats-based voiceovers are going to be in its future. It's basically a huge timesink of interesting problems