There's some more info here.

Yes, indeed.

I have the correct software version (3.0 something or other) in my TiVo, I have downloaded the script file, and have copied the instructions for installing it:

It's simple to install:

rename to padhack.tcl
Upload the script to your tivo (I used /var/hack)
chmod 777 padhack.tcl

and just to prove how dumb I really am... I don't understand them.

How do I go about uploading the script to my TiVo?

Where he references /var/hack, I am guessing he means create a directory called /var/hack (if it doesn't already exist) and somehow put the padhack.tcl script there.

chmod 777 probably means set the permissions to make padhack.tcl executable?

If that's the case, ./padhack.tcl would only run if /var/hack were my current active working directory, right? So I would need a cd /var/hack somewhere along the way. (Hey -- it's been more than 10 years since I have done *anything* in a Unix environment, so don't think too badly of me...)

If I try this (assuming I figure out how to load the script into my TiVo) is there a chance I could mess up my TiVo and make it not work any longer? If I did that, is there a way to fix it?

I'm sure you would never suspect this except for my telling you, but I am not very experienced when it comes to TiVo hacking.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"