For anyone interested.
The Governor of California visited Adobe System San Jose yesterday for a CEO summit presented by the silicon valley manufacturing group.
I am one of the top security personell here at Adobe and were a big part of covering security for the "Govornator"
Let me tell you, it was as if we handling a presidential visit.

We had over 20 of our security officers, 8 Governor’s Agents (CHP), 3 protective agents from SJPD, 8 SJPD Metro officers, 5 K-9 units, plus 4 mounted and 8 more SJPD metro in reserves a block away. Our Control center had to coordinate all our security officers and their movement as we were the primary ones responsible for securing all of the areas the Governor was in or moved to. The Agents did the close in work and SJPD maintained security on the outside of the building and watched the 20 plus news agencies and 4 different groups that were protesting their various causes. Adobe security was also the most common conduit for inter agency coordination since we had an officer almost everywhere and with the main groups. Not to mention we had to park over 120 cars and guide almost 200 people to various rooms all while maintaining our normal security standards, etc.

Security Officers got to walk through with the K-9 units checking for bombs, secure areas afterwards, seal off hallways and rooms for the Governor, stand post at the public venues, and direct traffic.
It was quite an experience, way out of the normal operations here. I did manage to get some photos from the AV room loft of the huge conference room he was. Here is a shot.
I have more if anyone wants to see them.

201617-DSC00049.JPG (96 downloads)

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