Don't blame the lawyers.

For us to get to this point, the following had to happen:

1) Someone had to have an allergic reaction to their milk.
2) They got mad about it.
3) They contacted a lawyer who thought "Hey, I can make money doing what I do!"
4) Some court decided it would be ok to allow this.
5) Somehow, the milk company didn't win the case.
6) The milk company puts a label on their product to prevent getting screwed again.
7) Nobody took the time to slap some sense into everyone involved.

If I was a lawyer in our world, I can't say I wouldn't take advantage of the idiotic system we've built to make a buck or two.

Reminds me of the Simpsons where Nelson was beating up Milhouse during the trial on the island...

"I'm gonna allow this..." - Bart