I don't think any of the ID3V1 fields are "available" for this usage, at least not in my system, I use them ALL and would not willingly give any of them up.

Eeeewww... replying to my own post. Tacky...

After thinking about it a bit, I agree with Tony F., use the comment field. If the first character in the comment field is @ (or some other character you would not normally expect to start a sentence) then the program would expect the next two characters to define which EQ preset to use. The remaining 27 characters (in the 'V1 tag; 252 in the 'V2 tag) would be used for comment. If there is no @ in the beginning of the comment field, then that track would default to the currently active EQ preset.

This has the advantage of being usable in emplode without having to reload the music; or being usable in MP3TS for mass changes, although that would require delete and reload.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"