Calm down, you only burned a square inch of my house down.

Oh yeah, like THAT makes me feel any better.

Well, I thad three other boards here that I had assembled ahead of time, and none of them work. Same thing you described. Which really puzzles me, since all in all, it's an extremely simple circuit. (And on top of that, Da Job has been busier than a obsessive-compulksive in an M&M factory, I haven't had time to do any simple tests on it and find out WHERE it's failing.
When I got home and saw the Karmas, I called up my boss (at 1:45am) and told her I was going to call in sick today because I had hit something in the road on the way home (true!). So that should give me time today to get some of the stuff done.

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper