Okay, according to the same link from above that fixed my external-applications problem, here is the solution:

Open external links in new windows or tabs

If another program wants to display a web page in the default browser, Firefox will reuse an existing window by default, which means that it will navigate from a page you might be reading. To stop this, add the following code to your user.js file:

// Stop reusing active windows:
user_pref("advanced.system.supportDDEExec", false);
What about new tabs instead of windows then? If you prefer tabs instead of windows, you must also install Tabbrowser Extensions, a very powerful extension that enhances the functionality of the tabbed browsing. After installing the extension, follow these instructions (make sure you didn't forget to add the above code to your user.js file):

1. Make sure you didn't forget to add the above code to your user.js file.

2. Select Tools > Options > Extensions, select Tabbrowser Extensions and click Settings.

3. Expand the Category list and select the topmost sub-item (it's supposed to read Advanced Tabbed Browsing but the Category list is too narrow).

4. In the Window Mode drop-down listbox, select Use multiple browsers only when I open them.

Done! Now any link opened by an external program, such as your e-mail client, will open in new tabs.
Did you try that, and it's not working, or what?
Tony Fabris