I don't see the moral dilemma the same way.

I see the moral implications of looking at the cap before you buy it but not the taking "advantage" of Pepsi that you see.

I remember when Sprite used to have there game and you could look straight through the bottom of the bottle and see a winning cap and clearly make out the words. They have more recently made it so you can't see the words through the use of a "gel" filter/seal in the cap.

Ripping off the music industry is far more morally wrong than taking advantage of what Pepsi is offering. Pepsi has paid Apple/iTunes millions to be able to give away the songs. They have a set number of songs that they are giving away and as long as you pay for the Pepsi, then you aren't really taking advantage of Pepsi. They should have realized from previous contests that you could make out some of the words and fixed it.

Either way, they are not losing money like the music industry is.

Just my $.02