I'm still trying to figure out why anyone would want their new Airport Express after reading about it in depth. I suppose if you don't already have a wireless hub or router - or you really want a wireless music patch device without a display (maybe it will get the SLimDevices' SqueezeBox down in price).

Having this at the hotel while I was at E3 would have been handy. It's tiny, uses the same plug kits as the other Apple power adaptors (thus easier world travel), and still offers USB printer sharing. The music link is interesting, but probably only useful for the party shuffle mode of iTunes. Though, combine it with a bluetooth phone and Clicker, and you have a decent remote control, though not at uber far distances.

It's also much cheeper then the normal Airport. Still expensive compaired to other 802.11g access points, but the added features could make up for it.