And... I still don't see the discrimination in the presidents latest proposal since anyone is free to marry anyone else of the opposite sex providing they are of certain age (discrimination?) and not an immediate relative (discrimination?).
Give me a fuc
king break. If you are going to present a point, at least put a tiny bit of thought behind it.
30 years ago in the South, if I was black I was 'free' to marry another black, but not free to marry a white person. Think that might have been descrimination? Or would you like to go back to those good ol' days?
Why are people so backward and ignorant? It drives me crazy.
Amendments to the Constitution are there to _give_ rights to people, not _take_ them away. If the amendment goes through (which it wont) it will be the first to take away people's rights as human beings. I will march my ass down to DC and scream at the top of my lungs that if that happens.
SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY (D), MASSACHUSETTS: The constitution has often been amended to expand and protect people's rights, never to take away or restrict their rights. By endorsing this shameful proposal, President Bush will go down in history as the first president to write bias back into the constitution.
taken from
this transcript of the Larry King Live show from February 24th. You all should read that transcript or find the video. San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom is a true American hero and patriot.
edited to add quote