Hi everyone,

Read the faqs on changing HD's and cable problems. As well as did some searching for similar problems.

Empeg worked fine to begin with. Then I got the "No Hard Disk Found..." error. Followed the faq checked the IDE cable and header and couldnt see anything. I put the unit back together and it worked fine - no error. Not to long later the error was back. So I took it apart again and put it all back together, again everything was fine.

Happily I got my network setup going and synced a bunch of music. Today after hockey anxious to do more synching I tried to connect over the network again. Jemplode froze several times so I went to the other room to see what was up and sure enough there it was...No Hard Disk found...

The unit had not moved at all. If there is a problem with the IDE header can it come loose on its own?

My question is can these cables have shorts actually in the cable or it more likely to be the actually connections or the soldering? I examined pretty closely and I couldnt see any problems as the where described in the FAQ.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Edited by Whodat (26/02/2004 22:00)