I agree. Per-song or per-playlist EQs is something I've asked for in the past. The empeg folks seemed reasonably receptive to the idea, but somehow nothing has come from it.

My idea was that, out of the 16 presets, I'd have specific ones that were modified versions of my main "basic" preset. My presets would be like this:

1: BasicEQ
2: CompletelyFlat
3: LessBass
4: LessTreble
5: RemoveAnnoyingLoMidRubmleFromThisOneParticularAlbum
6: NotchFilterOneSpecificHighFrequencyThatsOverEmphasizedOnACertainAlbum


All of the presets would be based on "1: Basic EQ", but have some specific changes to them.

Then there would be a default EQ that all the songs use. I'd set it to be preset number 2, all songs. Then I'd set all the songs from my remastered copy of The Fixx's "Shuttered Room" to use preset number 6. I'd set a certain range of Steve Morse albums to number 5. Madonna's Ray of Light would get preset number 3, etc.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris