
Steve has not posted on this board since July of 2003. I personally have not heard from him for at least six months. At last contact, he had become ill with lung cancer, and was undergoing treatment. At the same time, he was having financial and job related difficulties.

I cannot answer about refunds or deliveries. I know that one or two people had received lenses sometime during 2003, but I do not know how many deliveries there were, how many people asked for / obtained refunds or how many orders are outstanding at this point.

Do a search for DarkStorm, or read his most recent postings for additional detail.

As to lenses, there is a new manufacturer offering lenses on the board. He has a lot of very happy customers on the board, and might be able to help.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs