Figured it out. I didn't have a space beween the ;@DC and the ;@EXEC. So I now have access to emphatic in the hijack menu again but have run into another problem. When I run it, the screen goes blank and the serial log goes into an infinite loop of displaying this...

line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452
rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setge
om: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1,
line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452
rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setge
om: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1,
line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452
rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setge
om: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1,
line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452
rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452rc setge
om: -1, line 452rc setgeom: -1, line 452Oops! Info FID 151 not found!
Oops! Music FID 150 not found!

Pressing the top button stops this and the display comes back on. It also says something about FID 150 not found when I press the top button as you can see in the last 2 lines of it there. Do I somehow have a corrupt emphatic file or something?