About commercial software :
As I am a man who stands behind his principles, I will never commercially distribute software of this kind, as I would not be able to give 100% support for it.
It is much more important to share your knowledge instead of commercially exploiting bags of thin air with a nice package around it. ( I won't say any names )
Hasn't anybody noticed the sudden boom in so-called IT-professionals in the last five years? They predicted us that we wouldn't need more professionals, as anybody can operate a computer nowadays. The myth dies slowly...
I think if empeg would release it's code (which I don't encourage), it wouldn't damage the sales of the empeg, but probably boost it, as the player would perhaps be running on millions of computers though wouldn't reach the status of the native empeg version. Think of the advertising effect on that...
I don't like to get screwed by buying a $200.000 cluster if I want to set up high availability on SMTP(sendmail); it's like going out to buy a small car for your wife and end up with buying a truck(the salesman said that the groceries just won't fit)...
I make a living by providing solutions to real IT-problems and don't give advice to buy some software-product, because it has so many features you "could" use. All people want is their problem fixed, not more features that could give more problems.
It's scary to think about the future...
Well I'm just dwelling of the topic here, got to get some smokes soon...

If you're mad at god, pray like hell..

Frank van Gestel
Frank van Gestel