I can't remember if someone posted about this or not, but if you don't mind breaking the law (US) and you want to play an itunes tune on your Empeg:

1) Download VLC (www.videolan.org)
2) Buy iTunes Song
3) Open VLC
4) Settings=>Preferences=>General Settings=>Audio, change Audio output module to "File audio output"
5) Save Preferences
6) File=>Quick Open ... Select your iTunes tune
7) It will playback at 1x to a file named "audiofile.wav" in your VLC folder (you can change that file in the Modules=>Audio Output=>aout_file preferences)
8) Encode with your favorite MP3 encoder

I'm sure there are 26 other ways to do this in VLC -- there are a crazy number of options ... If anyone figures out how to get better than 1x, let me know.
