You should be able to find the datasheets at SMSC which describe the packaging options. QuadFlatPack is the correct style (QFP), but there are variations on overall size. This chip is 100pins, so TQFP100 would be one possibility at 14.0mm square (the plastic part) -- measure your chip to see if it matches that dimension.

Dunno what the "I" means.

EDIT: Okay, you don't want the TQFP -- that's the ultra-low profile packaging (1mm height). So regular QFP is what is needed.

The "i" appears to be a different/newer revision of the chip -- the non "i" version doesn't seem to be made anymore.

I'd get the LAN91C96QFP model.

The "Rev.E" version is likely the right one, since the photo I have of your chip shows the second line beginning with "E".

Edited by mlord (17/03/2004 22:00)