Unfortunately SuperCCD doesn't really work very well, in that if you look at 12mp images from their cameras with 6pm sensors you can see grainy artefacts that aren't there on the 6mp images.
The reviews of these SuperCCD cameras by people I trust tend to say "keep it in non-Super CCD mode to get the best results". For example:
It is a bit of a gimmick. There is no point having the extra "pixels" if it just means you get more noise. Because of the extra noise you don't actually get any extra detail, you may just as well take the 6mp image and resample it in Photoshop.
Many people don't seem to understand this point.
The latest 8mp pro-sumer cameras are a bit of a red herring for similar reasons. You need a larger sensor (like the ones in DSLRs) to get decent noise performance out of 6mp+ images.
P.S. I'm not saying the S7000 isn't a good camera, just saying it would be best kept out of 12mp mode...