
Thankyou very much. I spent a little time on it. ;-)

My friend Scott and I have been producing videos for about 10 years, we shoot skits, and short movies, do webcasting, etc. We edit all in house, and have all our own equipment.

If empeg wants, of if there is enough feedback on this one, i'd be happy to make another one, and maybe interview people on the street about the empeg ( an idea i had for a while).

I can see it now, "So sir, how would you like to have 2,000 songs at the touch of a button?" I love the look on people's faces when they first see this thing. It's worth a try!

Any ideas? From fokes here, or from empeg. Maybe a mix of FAQ's, Visuals, and public opinion, with a little comedy. ... hey, this is the web, we can do anything!
