
It's been several months since my empeg was taken out of my old car, and it's finally time to go in the new car. Problem is, I'm terribly cheap, and want to do this without spending a ton of money. Yet, I also want to do this right... That means >$50 for dash kits and adapters and stuff instead of cutting, duct tape, and whatever I have left lying around. That doesn't leave much left over for an amp. I'd be willing to spend more if I knew it would be in this car for a while, but it could be only in for a few months.

So, does anyone have an amp just lying around that they haven't gotten around to ebaying/giving away? I'm looking for 4 channels, and just enough power and sound quality to do justice to the factory speakers (i.e. not much). I'm not really interested in a $1000 uberamp for $100, even though it might be a smoking deal. It's still out of my price range. I'm more interested in the $89 amp for $20. Realistically, $50 plus shipping is about my upper limit.

So, how about it? Anyone have anything lying around?