I have access to the servers, but I can't just reconfigure them willy-nilly so I can debug them. It involves a lot of red tape, and even when I can, I don't know for certain that what I'm logging is exactly what's being sent out to the client (or being received from the client.) Having a proxy in between would be much more reliable. SunONE Web Server 6.1 allegedly has neat output filter support that would let me do this much more easily, but my mechanisms now (with IWS 6.0) are to insert other debug plugins before the app server, and hope that the app server doesn't munge headers itself (which, of course it does.) I can't log anything after the app server's done its work because the app server plugin returns output to the user and doesn't execute any other plugins afterwards.
I guess I'll have to Frankencode something up, then.