Greetings everyone! Long time no see!
I've got two new mixes up for you. The (twenty-)first, Meaty Beats 1, is a funky, breaksy beaty mix covering ground from Green Velvet's La La Land through Insomnia by Faithless and Keep Hope Alive by Crystal Method to finish on the funky original mix of Neon by Moogwai.
The (twenty-)second is The Psyonics Workshop 1 - Meditation. This is a mix I put together as a sort of small tribute to the website, which has the winning combination of an amazing range and great prices (especially if you're Australian and import albums cost twice what you pay at PsyShop). Featuring tracks from Juno Reactor, Total Eclipse, Magnetrixx, Sensient, Neelix and a few others, this is the first in a series and there's even a bit of a story to get you in the mood!
I'm attempting to distribute the newer mixes via BitTorrent, using the Azureus combined client and tracker. If you have any problems please email me at
[email protected] - likewise if you have any experience with using Azureus' tracker, as I'm not sure I've got it set up right... You'll also have to put up with my relatively slow 64Kbit upload rate, at least until we get a few more seeds online.
Thanks in advance,