Ahhahahahah - how stupid of me to forget the one thing I needed above all else to mention! Yes, I've moved the main site into my new domain and it's now at http://www.mabula.net/mixes. Astute viewers will realise that the files are still hosted from the old paulway.d0gz.net domain, but this way it gets integrated into the rest of my web site.

I'm now in the process of generating and seeding torrent files for the rest of the collection, so if anyone wants to be generous and be a seed to share out the bandwidth (in the spirit of BitTorrent... ) then that'd be great. My brother (on a 128kbit upload link) is going to help out with a few of them too so that'll speed things up too.

Long live distributed bandwidth!

Have fun,

Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550